BMW 318iS Restoration PT3
Here you go, guys and girls! Part 3 of our BMW 318iS restoration video. Pace has been a little slow due to the Covid-19 situation, but we have a special agreement with Mr. Bear to take his time and do a good job.
As for the engine, we are still waiting for one very elusive part that is unique to the M42 engine before we can start assembling it.
That is also why there is no particular hurry to get the body done so quickly – anyway, the plan for the moment is to do the complete respray of the paint starting from the engine bay.
After that we will put everything back to get the car mobile again, before embarking of the other parts; it is going to be a long and winding road for this one, but at the end, it will be worth it.
By the way, if anybody knows where there is a half cut or parts for the Coupe 318is, 1993, do give us a buzz. We are looking for parts – anything that looks better than what we have, will do.
Thanks for watching, and drop us a line.